The art of tidying up that will change your lifestyle: KonMari Method

The art of tidying up that will change your lifestyle: KonMari Method

Marie Kondo's book on the art of tidying up, which changes people's lifestyle, and the Netflix series attract great attention. This method, known as KonMari Method, focusing on throwing items away, contributes to radical changes in homes and workplaces.

The New York Times bestseller Marie Kondo's book the Life-changing magic of tidying up was met with great interest by the readers. Together with this book, Kondo contributed to the correct arrangement and simplification of readers' homes or workplaces. In addition, Marie Kondo, one of the best influencers in Times Magazine, brings inspiration to people's scattered homes and inspires people at the same time with the KonMari method.

What is KonMari Method?

Marie Kondo brings inspiration to people in their homes.
Marie Kondo brings inspiration to people in their homes.

The KonMari method, which has become a cultural phenomenon, is the art of arranging items according to the categories of the tidying up expert Marie Kondo. The purpose of this method is to have a home or workplace with joyful stuff. With this method, Kondo explains the six basic rules of the art of tidying up:

1. Dedicate yourself to tidying up,

2. Imagine your ideal lifestyle,

3. Finish throwing items away first,

4. Tidy up by category, not by room,

5. Follow the correct order,

6. Ask yourself whether that specific item sparks joy.

The items should be tidied up depending on their categories

Items are categorized as clothes, books, komonos and sentimental.
Items are categorized as clothes, books, komonos and sentimental.

Many room arrangement methods suggest you collect another room after finishing a room. However, this situation is slightly different in the KonMari method. In KonMari method, which argues that the items should be collected according to their categories; first the clothes, then the books, then the komonos (bits and pieces) and finally sentimental should be organized. For example, if you are going to collect your clothes first, you need to pile all your clothes up from your wardrobe or shelves first. Taking your clothes one by one, you should think whether they spark joy. If that outfit does not give you joy, you should thank the article for the services you have had and say goodbye to the article.

KonMari folding method

According to the KonMari method, you must fold the clothes differently than the usual folding method. Kondo says that a pile of fold-up of clothes - no matter how clean they are – makes it difficult for us to reach the clothes. The KonMari method suggests hanging your clothes in order to see your clothes easily.

Focus on throwing things

The KonMari method actually focuses on throwing more stuff away.
The KonMari method actually focuses on throwing more stuff away.

Although Marie Kondo’s book’s name seem to focus on tidying up, it’s actually about being able to throw your hundreds and thousands of items away. According to Kondo's theory, the more goods you can get rid of, the easier you can tidy your house up.

KonMari emphasizes visualization

Think of your dream house in your mind.
Think of your dream house in your mind.

Marie Kondo wants people to think about the life they want to live and why they want such a life. She questions what a mess-free life means to people. Maybe a tidy house will allow you to have more parties with your friends, more space for your baby, and more space to chat with your friends.

Every thrown item is starting a new journey

Don't forget to thank your items you’re throwing away.
Don't forget to thank your items you’re throwing away.
Kondo explains that a house that is free of unnecessary items can have people have a better skin and lose weight. Also, organizing a thank you ceremony for every item you don't want to keep in your home is very important to embark on a new journey.