If you’re worried that our friends living in streets try to survive under harsh conditions, you can learn what to do for them.
It’s not only us in our city or neighborhood. There are others we need to keep in my especially during winter. They are the street animals that are the cutest part of our lives! As the temperature is going down day by day, we wanted to take some precautions before rain turns into snow, so we listed what can be done for the street animals…
It becomes rather hard for those animals to find water and food especially when it snows. According to the veterinarian Serdar Bilen, we should make sure that the animals are provided with dry formula in the districts with a large number of them. In order to meet their water need, we can leave water in freeze-resistant cups. Solid and deep cups are resistant to be frozen while metal or steel cups can freeze rather quickly. Therefore, plastic cups seem to be the best option. Also, please make sure that the water you’re putting in those plastic cups is warm. In fact, you can add a few drops of olive oil to avoid freezing. You can buy some vitamins from pet shops or veterinaries and add a few drops of these to contribute to their immune system.
Don’t waste your leftovers

Apart from dry formulas, you can also keep your leftovers in plastic, durable and deep containers or cups to give them to the street animals. However, you need to make sure that these leftovers shouldn’t contain any poisonous and dangerous ingredients for the animals such as spice, bones or sugar. It’s important to check those cups regularly to see if they are dirty or rubbished, if so please keep the cups clean. You can also get giblets from butchers to give to the street animals.
According to the veterinarian Serdar Bilen, shelter is one of the most important issues. Highlighting that animals can be cold just like humans, especially for cats, Bilen suggests us to build shelters out of carton with a plastic roof and a simple door facing against the wind. He also points out an important issue and says: “When we build kennels in small numbers for dogs, they might fight for the kennels even though they aren’t aggressive. Dogs claim territory and tend to become aggressive in such cases. Still, for the most vulnerable ones, we can build kennels as many as possible to help them survive winter conditions.”
Check your cars

It’s highly important that we provide shelter especially with the animals with babies. It means a great support for the babies to survive. Also, we shouldn’t forget our friends living in shelters. We can supply them food as well.
Please keep in mind that cats generally refuge near cars’ engines to keep themselves warm. Before starting your car, it’s important to check under the mudguards and the hood. You can also do this by knocking on the hood. Also, try not to ignore an animal in need. Even if you can’t take it to a veterinary, you can call the municipality to take care of it. We would like to remind you that all the municipalities have a Temporary Animal Care Center or a Pet Health Center.
Apart from cats and dogs, you can leave crumbles around for the birds. You can simply make feedboxes out of plastic bottles and fill them with kernel and nuts.
Take good care of your friends at home