Agriculture, formerly known only as the work of rural dwellers, is now everyone's favorite. Some people tired of urban life now prefer vacationing in urban farms that focus on agricultural production rather than five-star hotels.
The hectic pace of today is leading to radical changes even in the most traditional cases. Agriculture, one of the oldest habits of humankind, can also be included in these changes. Agricultural production, formerly seen as a work of people in rural areas, is now considered a valuable area for urban people to gain competence. In this case, the urban population who are tired of hectic pace of city life wants to be in touch with nature by preferring sustainable alternatives focused on production instead of 5-star hotel tours.
How did the idea of city farms come about?

City farms, especially in the UK and northern European countries, have been in great demand for many years. The emergence of these farm complexes, located on 1 or 1.5-hour drive distance to metropolis, is based on the idea of integrating digitized urban people back into rural life. These farm complexes, founded with the financial sponsoring of municipalities, ministries, various NGOs and even private firms, have brought together the individuals who have never lived in rural areas during their lifetime with the philosophy of agricultural production. These farms, which can be visited by people of all ages and societies, are fully present in what is supposed to be in a traditional village. EFCF (European Federation of City Farms), make some accomplishments by putting some important standards for sustainability.
A "back to basics" project: Bademler Natural Life Village

Bademler Natural Life Village operated in Urla, İzmir is Turkey’s newest and fresh examples of city farms which are in many numbers in European countries. This village, which is much more extensive than the "city farm", stands out as an important project supporting both collective agricultural production and ecotourism. İzmir Metropolitan Municipality and Bademler Agricultural Development Cooperative have welcomed their guests since March. The most important aim of the Bademler Natural Life Village, which is 45-50 minutes away from the city center of İzmir, is to meet people who have somehow broken off from their rural roots or never been related to rural life with production philosophy. Visitors to this village, built on a gigantic area of 315 acres, will be encouraged to cooperate with the guidance of the association to plant out, harvest their own product, make bread, to milk the cows for their breakfast.
What makes Bademler Natural Life Village special?

Bademler Natural Life Village is not the first project that brings urban people to rural life in our country. The TaTuTa (Agriculture - Tourism - Barter) Platform, which has many farms from different regions within its body has successfully accomplished its mission for many years. However, the TaTuTa Platform aims to establish a trade-off between the farm owner and the volunteer by sending a certain number of volunteers to the traditional farms. In Bademler Natural Life Village, the system is slightly different. The "Smurfs Village" rumor in the Smurfs cartoon, which we all know very well, constitutes the essence of Bademler Natural Life Village. So, whether you have one-day stay or long term, it is always possible to find a job according to your ability and interests. Flower greenhouses, vegetable and fruit gardens, animal folds and poultry, founded by the support of the Bademler Agricultural Development Cooperative are some of the opportunities of Natural Life Village.
It is also possible to produce such products as genuine butter, tarhana (kind of dried instant soup essence), jam, tomato paste, pickles and your own bread in the village by benefiting from the experiences of the village residents working in the cooperative. The most enjoyable part of the job is to take these products home or to witness the sales of them at the cooperative mall that allows the development of the village! At this point, the choice is up to visitors completely.
How do you go to Bademler Natural Life Village?