Now, we hear how harmful the sugar is at every step we take. In fact, this is not a brand-new kind of information! It turns out that previous researches about sugar was swept under the carpet. That is, they were underreported. It would be easier to fight obesity if these researches had been reported properly.
Sugar is so loved among people that its name is used as a compliment. A word of love… The most common tool of pleasure in the world; sugar has a place among children, adults, elderly without separating, without exception.
We make room for it at a heavy dinner. It is one of the most favourable gifts in any case. However, there is another side of the coin, as well. Millions of people's favourite food has even been declared as poison! You may not want to believe, but you have to rely on science!
Especially it was always known that those who wanted to lose weight should reduce the intake of the dessert, but at no time was sugar dragged to the mud. There are those who say that sugar intake is as harmful as alcohol, cigarettes and even drugs. So, why was sugar so notoriously advertised and what do we need to do, then?
How were their losses concealed?

A few years ago, the press manifested the story of how the findings of sugar damage were hidden from us. In summary: In 1972, the British scientist John Yudkin published an article named “Pure, White and Deadly”, describing the damages of sugar. The book explained that even a small portion of the damage to sugar would be banned immediately.
The food industry discredited Yudkin's work and prevented it from being heard. As Yudkin's career ended, the whole world continued consuming sugar recklessly.
Sugar was cleared, oil was charged

Not only did the villains of the story hide Yudkin's work, but they also provided three researchers from Harvard University with a study to claim the opposite. In this way, not only the damage of sugar was covered up, the fat was declared as guilty, instead. Healthy eating meant low-fat diet. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes ... It was all about oil and cholesterol.
Fat and cholesterol was blamed, and the diets were rearranged accordingly. However, especially in America, people became even more unhealthy. While the rate of obesity in the United States was 12 percent in 1950, today 60 percent of the people are regarded as obese or overweight. Even more distressing fact that is the 13 percent of this rate constitutes child obesity. This rate doubles that of Western European countries. The heart diseases, diabetes and cancer are brought along with obesity. Sugar feeds and increases the cancer cells. Similarly, only six percent of the UK's population in 1980 was obese, while two-thirds of the country's population is either obese or overweight.
There is much more sugar in ready-made food

These examples prove that the fight against fat and cholesterol did not work and the situation was getting worse. So, the situation is more than making a regime by cutting down on the amount of the dessert to make us feel good. Sugar has the potential to make us fatally ill. Why did it happen? Yudkin presented his first hypothesis about the harm of sugar in 1957. After 60 years now candy is everywhere. Not particularly "sweet", but most of the ready-made foods have sugar: bread, chips, tomato paste…
Read the packaging carefully

From now on, please read the packaging a little more carefully when you make your purchases. You will realize that your sugar consumption is much more than you think. One more bad news: Did you know that there is a lot more sugar in the light foods that we consume than the normal counterpart? One of the most terrifying features of sugar is its addiction. Even a person who says I don't like sugary food can suddenly have sudden tendency to consume sugar even when they consume such food for a few days in a row.
So what should we do? If sugar is really poison, if it is so harmful, it shouldn’t be consumed or should be consumed as little as possible. Staying away from ready-made foods is a very important step on this path. The important thing is to give enough time to ourselves and be patient and strong-willed. Nothing is precious than our health.