Mom Talks, held for the second time this year, was held at Grand Pera Shopping Center on May 11th. This year the event hosted 14 speakers, specializing in the field. Speakers gave advice to parents who wanted to raise their children well.
Educated mothers are the greatest investment in the future of children and the country. This is the motto of Mom Talks. The event focuses on women's education. Mom Talks, who believes that healthy, successful and happy children are grown up through education, aims to emphasize the importance of mothers in shaping the future. Experts and career-minded mothers came together in the Mom Talks event.
The mastermind of the event Assoc. Dr. Bahar Eris made the opening speech of Mom Talks.
Eris emphasized the importance of educated mothers in their speech: "The romantic rhetoric, such as the Moms’ being altruistic and affectionate, should be overcome; we should focus on rational, strong and educated features of moms, instead. Eris saying that “I really care about moms’ education” emphasizes that the main purpose of this event to bring moms close together with the expert in an efficient way.
Inspring Moms

The moderator of the first session of the program was author Ayşen Aksakal. The author Aksakal whose first book “Lakin Güzel Yaşadık” was published in 2016 also writes a column for various newspapers and magazines. BeeO's founder Aslı Elif Tanuğur and writer Şermin Yaşar participated as speakers in the presentation moderated by Aksakal.
Aslı Elif Tanuğur talked about how she abandoned her career and signed a successful initiative project. Tanuğur reminded that she had entered into a deep process of research on propolis to find remedy for his son's disease and she procured raw propolis extracting it in her own laboratory. Tanuğur summarizes the benefits of propolis as follows: Propolis is a very powerful antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant and antibiotic. Aslı Elif Tanuğur, who founded BeeO in 2013, won 18 times with the initiative project she conducted.
The second session was moderated by Ece Kumkale. Dr. Elif Cakir, Seride Samurkas and nurse Esra Ertugrul presented their speech, as well. While Elif Çakır emphasized the importance of being conscious of child nutrition, Samurkas gave a speech about the sleep patterns of babies and children.

In the session titled “It is a difficult job to be a mom in these hard times, what do experts say?” Ayşen Aksakal, Prof. Dr. Sinan Canan, educator Ali Koç and writer Mümin Sekman were the presenters. In a part of her speech, Sekman talked about human nature based on an experiment: we human should not face our nature. Sometimes, you have to behave according to your nature, sometimes you need to overcome the nature. Every child has a nature. A career plan compatible with the child's character brings success.
Ali Koç, who established the idea-exchanging platform called, stated that parents could not live their own life and that they reflected their own internal deficiencies to children and that families want their dreams to come true on their children. Koç said “We treat children as grown-ups following that giving the child a lot of opportunities, is blocking them.
Nora Romi, who was the moderator of the last session, hosted digital mothers as speakers. Merve Öztürk the blogger, entrepreneur Canan Bayrak and Baby Magazine Executive Editor Hande Yuvakuran participated as speakers in the session.