The study in the US that thousands participated and lasted for 25 years has been finally completed. It has revealed that those consuming low carbs might have 4 years less from their life expectancy.
Within the scope of the study published in the science journal Public Health, 15 thousand 428 hundred of 45-65 year-old participants were asked the food and the portions they consume. Based on this information, the researchers calculated their calories take from carbs, fat and protein. According to the data, the life expectancies’ of those taking their 50% of their energy from carbs were revealed to be higher than the ones consuming too little or too much carbs.
According to the study, those consuming carbs at a moderate level live approximately till the age of 88. The ones consuming too little carbs live 4 years less, the ones consuming little carbs live 2.3 years less and the ones consuming too much carbs live 1.1 years less than that age.
Intake of carbs is crucial in losing weight

Decreasing the intake of carbs during the diets followed to lose weight is a common mistake. However, it shouldn’t be disregarded that daily nutrition need cannot be met with low-carb diets. We took some experts’ opinion about this issue.
The number of dieticians willing to include carbs in diets is relatively high. According to the news in Daily Mail, Sussie Burrel, an Australian dietician, says that carbs have an important role in nutrition. She also emphasizes that those doing sports cannot burn much calories if they consume less than 80-100 gr of carbs.
Many dieticians include saturated fats in the program they prepare for low-cab diets, and aren’t in favor of such diets since they limit nutritional sources. In such diets, mostly meat, eggs, fish, dairy products are consumed while fruit, bread, grains and vegetables with starch are limited.
“100-125 gr of carbs in a daily diet”

Highlighting that it’s important to take all nutritions in moderate amounts, Assistant Prof. Gamze Şanlı Ak says: “The first nutritional element is carbs while on a diet. However, brain tissue only use carbs for energy. Depending on individual needs, the intake of carbs should be between 100-125 gr, which provides 400-500 calorie energy. A diet without carbs isn’t a healthy diet. Some studies suggest that the diets with no carbs might trigger depression and mood fluctuations. This might especially cause sweet cravings.
“Metabolic rate might decrease”

Assistant Prof. Gamze Şanlı Ak describes the reactions of the body in case of zero carb intake by saying: “Our body uses the proteins to make energy in case of no carbs. This might cause a damage in our systems, particularly our muscular system. Muscles are the workers burning fat in our bodies and a decrease in the muscular system means a decrease in the metabolic rate. It’s highly important to eat complex carbs rich in fiber such as wholegrains, legumes, fruit and vegetables) while losing weight.”
Diets should be personal